Double click on the title above to view a document with our 2024 Council Organization.
Click on the title above to view the document that was mailed in May 2024.
Congregation Council Meeting Agenda
Zion Lutheran Church, St. Marys, Ohio
1. Call to OrderÂ
2. Opening Devotion
3. Roll CallÂ
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Treasurer’s ReportÂ
6. Pastor’s ReportÂ
a. Official ActsÂ
7. Office Manager’s ReportÂ
8. Board of Parish Education Director
9. Committee Reports
a. TrusteeÂ
b. Board of Parish Education Â
c. EldersÂ
d. DeaconsÂ
e. Youth Representative
10. Council-At-Large
 i. Father/Son Banquet
 ii. Easter Breakfast
 iii. Congregation Picnic
 iv. Ice Cream Social
 v. Lenten Soup Suppers
 vi. Annual Congregational Meeting
11. Thank You Notes
12. Past Business  Â
13. New Business
14. Adjournment
15. Closing Prayer — Lords’ Prayer recited by Council members