
Prayer Requests/Prayer Circle


We invite you to call the first person on the list below to begin your prayer request.  If you are unable to contact the first person on the list, please call the next person on the lists below to begin your request.

The Circle operates in the following manner.  Prayers are put through to the first person in the group. If the person you call is not home, call the next person on the list. The first person will then call the second person on the list, until everyone in the group has been called concerning your prayer request.

419-629-3462 Linda Suchland
937-726-4757 Nancy Bauer
419-305-7909 Rebecca Harvey
419-733-8779 Cheryl Macklem
419-305-3756 Deb Henning
419-629-2015 Sandy Wierwille
419-394-8020 Linda Yahl

We invite you  to include the following people in your daily prayers:  Janet Dicke, Brent Paulus, Sandi Deerhake, Michael Moore, Darlene Henkener, Tom Kaster, Ronald Suchland, Dyne Hoenie, Eileen Zimmerman, Amy Berner, Vicki Bishir, Emily Henkle, Warren Hoenie, Carolyn Slemmons, Vicki Homan, Anthony (Tony) Hardeman, John Rasmussen, Edwin Danner, Becky, Maria G., Deb Phillips, Pastor Maki as he celebrates his 25th year of Ordination, Ally Gross, Paul & Lola Leasor, all Members of our congregation, President Joe Biden, Past President Donald Trump, heal our Country, Family of Dylan Kusmyn and Family of Bill Slemmons.




Please pray for Sean Lawler, Andrew Johnson, Michael Carroll, Nathan Adams, Jacob Yahl, Jason Gross, Daniel C. Lukac IV, Michael Franklin and Kyle Schmehl who are in the service. Please pray for them, their family, and their safe return home.








Take Some Time Today to P.R.A.Y.

  • PRAISE -- Thank God for what he has already accomplished through Jesus.
  • REPENT -- Confess your sins and shortcomings.  Repent personally and on behalf of our nation.  The Lord is quick to forgive when we come humbly to him.
  • ASK -- Ask God to reveal truth, turn our hearts back toward him, and bring healing.
  • YIELD -- Yield to the Lord and recognize that he has heard our prayers and will answer according to his will.  He is ready to provide guidance and direction.
