

Choir Director/Organist

  • Merilee Miller

Choir rehearsal is held weekly on Wednesday nights, at 6:30 p.m., in the Choir Loft.


  • Miriam Johns
  • Doris Cook
  • Ginni Guarneri

Bell Choir Director

  • Merilee Miller






nullWalcker Organ

The organ, shown here, is a small pipe organ with 17 ranks and 1,249 pipes.  It is a two-manual mechanical tracker organ.  Our organ was built in 1974, by Bernard Cavelier, formerly of Cavelier Organ Builders, Inc., of Buffalo, New York.  The organ was built in Germany by E. F. Walcker and Co., in three different factories, and disassembled and shipped to St. Marys, Ohio.

Also, attached to this link are two newspaper articles from the installation and dedication of the organ in 1974.

This document is a copy of the Organ Dedication Recital of October 6, 1974.  Jean Rizzo was the guest organist.

A brief history of Walcker organs is available by clicking on the word Walcker. 

